Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jonesin' for a little Twilight...Ok, and Rob Pattinson.

Alright, let’s just get one thing strait, I have issues and I freely admit to it. That being said, I LOOOOVE ROB PATTINSON! I LOOOOVE TWILIGHT! Now that I own the 2 disc & 3 disc DVD’s of the movie and two sets of the book series. (Yes that’s right…I have 3 different copies of Twilight. Two in hard cover & one in paperback which is the one I bought for a plane ride not even fathoming what I was going to do to myself.) The other three books I have in hard cover that I got for my B-day (thanks mom for contributing to my addiction) and the paperbacks that I bought in Europe. OK O.C.D. – Obsessive Cullen Disorder… Anyways, I can’t wait for New Moon to come out now. It is killing me!!! I had no idea how much I was feening for Twilight until I got the movie. Ok so I was really needing my Rob / Edward fix mostly. I did see the movie like 10 times in the theatre. Opening weekend alone I saw it Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. HAHAHA! That is kind of sad. I am so obsessed with this stuff I actually watched all of the extra features! I even watched the movie with the commentary from Katherine, Kristin, and yes my future husband Rob. I can honestly say I have NEVER done that before. I just like hearing his voice & his sense of humor had me cracking up almost the whole time. The really interesting thing is he is the best kind of movie star!! He doesn’t even think he’s hot! I love it! Tonight I am off to find the Twilight Soundtrack. I already have the one soundtrack but I want the Score from the movie. I also am trying to find THE COMPLETE SOUNDTRACK. They left off a few songs from the one I bought which I can’t stand. Especially since one of the songs they left off the CD is Robs. GGGGRRRRRR!!! Soooo anyhoo here’s a fair warning. I will talking about Rob & New Moon a lot. Really a lot. Probably until they are done making all the movies I will be talking about him and/or whichever movie. I might get quiet about it for a few months when some of the stuff dies down a bit. But then WHAM!!!! Something like a movie trailer or whatever brings it all back to the surface. Just a fair warning. I have included some of my favorite pics and a movie poster (not the real one probably) for New Moon. YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!! That is one HOT MAN!


Patches said...

MMMMMMMMMM....Thank you for that!!!

Glad I'm not alone in my INSANE OBSESSION. Twilight party tonight, my house, 5:30. Consider yourself invited. And bring your dvd. I'm banking on mine coming in the mail today. Fingers crossed!

Jessica said...

Totally with ya! You have a fun blog!! I'm such a Twilight nerd that I pre-ordered the DVD, but then couldn't wait for it to come in the mail, so I woke up early and pay per viewed it on Sat! NERD ALERT! LOVE the New Moon pic...holy moly. I'll be at Jessica's...hope to see you there!