Thursday, December 18, 2008

SNOW...and my Birthday.

I know it is winter, and I know everyone (including me) loves a white Christmas. These things are wonderful. I have decided though that they are only wonderful if you don't have to commute anywhere. If I could stay home today and just sit and watch the snow fall & I only had to go to the barn I'm sure I'd be outside making a snow man or something retarded. Throwing snowballs at Cheyanne or whatever. I remember for my 9th birthday (Dec. 18th, 1990) I WISHED for Snow. I totally got it too. I remember loving it. School was canceled for two days, my mom got snowed in at work for a night. I stayed at my God-mother's house. A DREAM COME TRUE!!! I wish I would have called in to work today. Of course now if I miss a day of work that is $140.00 I am not making. THIS SUCKS!!! Hopefully something will happen here in downtown Seattle so the snow will melt & I can get my butt home to Spanaway and Roy. This is a horrible Birthday gift if you ask me!! Sitting in traffic from 5am - 8am. JEEEEZ!!! Nice Joke! Sorry I am blowing off some steam. Well, anyways hopefully I won't have to cancel the big B-day party on Saturday. Let's all hope for some 40 degree weather please. :-)


Patches said...

Sorry your birthday isn't going so hot lady! I'll keep my fingers crossed for your commute home! I hope your day improves and you have a happy, happy birthday! You old lady you! lol

Amers425 said...

Thanks! I just hate snow! Crap should really stay in the mountains where it belongs.